So after a long summer break, we gathered again in Poligon to talk about Ruby, programming and life in general.
There was one talk scheduled, Miha Filej was to talk about Concurrent Ruby.
He first cleared up the difference between concurrency and parallelism and reminded us of some basic mechanisms on how parallelism is handled in CS theory (and practice).
He then recapped a newish proposal called Guilds of organizing code to handle concurrency easier. It’s supposed to be included into Ruby 3 in 2020, so… whatever. More interestingly, he shared some experience with the gem ‘concurrent-ruby’ which seems to be a dependence-less alternative to ‘celluloid’ and he found it a better use-case for Rails 5.
After the main talk, there was a shorter talk in which Matija Cankar presented an open source project which his company XLAB is involved with. It has to do with maintaining a cloud infrastructure over different providers. Our Ruby community being more of a freelancer crowd, we might not have been the perfect audience but who knows when one might need a 200-server cloud, right?
Beers were had, experiences exchanged, new projects thought up (maybe). Good fun, all in all.
Thanks everyone for coming and thanks to our sponsors - Toptal, Poligon and V živo - who make events like this possible.
As always make sure you bookmark our meetup page so you won’t miss our next event. If you feel like chatting you’re welcome to join our Slack.
Photo by Miha Rekar