Our last meetup before summer break was all about Erlang, Elixir and reliability.
First speaker was Ino Murko - @ino_murko, he introduced us to world of Erlang and to ActorDB.
After receiving our first dose of Erlang awesomeness we proceeded with more Erlang! Next was Miha Filej - @mfilej and Elixir with some Phoenix Framework touches. Talk: Elixir for Rubyists.
Last talk of the day was reserved for Jan Haložan - @janhalozan, iOS developer from Databox. Talk: In the hunt of 100% delivery rate with mobile push notifications.
Hope that you have learned something about Erlang and push notifications!
Now, go and enjoy the summer.
P.S.: Thanks to our sponsors: Toptal, V ŽIVO.si and Poligon for helping us!